- [01/2025] Our paper on learning graphical models through denoising diffusion models is accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
- [10/2024] New preprint online: We design a training-free acceleration method for diffusion models
- [10/2024] Invited talks at S. S. Wilks Memorial Seminar in Statistics at Princeton University, Cornell ORIE Young Researchers Workshop, INFORMS Annual Meeting, FDS Conference: Recent Advances and Future Directions for Sampling at Yale University, and Applied Probability Seminar at Columbia University
- [08/2024] I am organizing a session "Advances in the Theory of Modern Sampling Algorithms" at JSM 2024, join us in room CC-C122 on August 7th from 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
- [06/2024 to 07/2024] I am teaching a course "STAT 1010 Introductory Business Statistics" at Upenn
- [06/2024] New preprint online: We design a novel sampling algorithm via decomposing the target posterior into log-concave mixture of simpler ones
- [06/2024] Our paper on tensor PCA is accepted to Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
- [05/2024] Our paper on statistical limits for low-rank matrix estimation is accepted to The Annals of Statistics (AoS)
- [05/2024] Invited talk at “Youth in high dimensions” conference at ICTP, Trieste
- [05/2024] Our paper on theoretical insights of diffusion guidance is accepted to ICML 2024
- [05/2024] Oral presentation at AISTATS 2024